Thursday, September 10, 2015

Serve-A-Thon Pledge Sheet

Please use the link above to download the Serve-A-Thon Pledge Sheet.

As a reminder...

When: Saturday, September 26 9am-11am
Who: Families are invited!
What: 100 serves
Dress-up Theme: Superhero!!!!

The MHS Girls Volleyball Program holds an annual “Serve-A-Thon” during the month of October where each player serves 100 volleyballs. This “Serve-A-Thon” helps develop serving skills, consistency, and accuracy. Players are encouraged to raise a minimum of $50. All proceeds raised go to supporting Breast Cancer Awareness. There are prizes offered for various categories. All parents, siblings, and extended are invited to attend. Please see Coach Val to volunteer as a “Counter.”

Sponsors can make flat donations (**highly encouraged**) or per-serve donations. For example, grandpa can pledge $.05 per/serve, and if his player serves all 100 in the court then he has sponsored her $5.00 (per-serve).  Or grandpa can sponsor a player for a flat donation in any amount like $1.00, $5.00, $10.00, $25.00, or $50.00 etc.  Any amount is greatly appreciated.  All money needs to be turned-in to your coach by the date specified on the program website at    

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