Sunday, September 6, 2015

End-of-the-Year Banquet

Who: All girls and their families
What: Team Banquet
When: Saturday, October 3, 2015 from 3pm-5pm
Where: LDS Chapel across from the Mililani Post Office
Dress Up Theme:  1970's Disco

Please RSVP to Coach Lola, Coaches Kalina & Ka'ala, or Coach Val with head count of adults and kids attending by Saturday, September 18.


  1. Aloha,
    is the banquet open to grandparents too? or only player, parents/siblings?
    also is there a cost?
    Mahalo :)

  2. Yes, family is welcome to attend. No charge for players but there is a $5.00 fee per family member. We'll be sending out invites and more information soon.
